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Photo Finish - Proton - 200ml / 6.8Oz

Ref. Proton005
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The most advanced tattoo healing formula. Eliminates redness, reduces bleeding and nourishes the tattoo. Take exceptional photos. Tested for months by Andrea Morales. With exceptional results. Unique formulation. 100% original

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Photo Finish Proton is the original formula created by Proton, with Aloe Vera, Glycerin and Panthenol, which, when applied at the end of the tattoo, reduces bleeding, reduces redness and allows for exceptional photos.

Photo Finish Proton came from the idea of one of the best colored micro-realism tattooists (Andrea Morales) who has been testing and testing it for months to give the product the green light and start its production.

Photo Finish Proton is a transparent gel of medium consistency, which is applied to the tattooed area when the tattoo is finished, allowing for spectacular photos, which can then be spread and covered with film or left to dry in the open air.

Photo Finish Proton is manufactured in Spain under the strictest sanitary standards, based on its unique master formulation. with the best ingredients available allowing to protect the tattoo since it was made avoiding the loss of ink that occurs in the first hours after the end of the tattoo.

Available size 200ml