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Nuclear White


Nuclear White, INK 100 Ml

Ref. 1802310
Nuclear White
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ATTENTION: Pigment for Artistic Design. Not Homologated in Europe for Tattooing. Therefore, we do not sell our colors for tattoo use. Raa Tattoo Supplies - Rui Abreu Araújo Unipessoal lda, is not responsible for the misuse of these pigments and therefore does not give any guarantee other than their proper use for the design. Users are solely responsible for the proper application of pigments.

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Nuclear White
Nuclear White is possibly the white ink most appreciated by artists and professionals thanks to its excellent qualities, ease of penetration, color consistency over time and extreme brilliance. Especially useful in the most complex “cover ups”.

STANDS OUT FOR ITS BRIGHTNESS: stands out for its brilliance for details, fills, contrasts, and power lines.
IDEAL FOR CREATING PASTEL TONES: if you are looking for pastel tones, it is ideal for mixing with colors and blacks, obtaining a wide range of pastel and gray tones.
GREAT DURABILITY: great resistance to the passage of time, perfect healing and easy application.