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Dental Floss 30ml - Gold Label

Ref. QT0001
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You better floss because one thing more painful than getting a tattoo is going to the dentist. However, we do not recommend flossing with the floss because it is actually a mild aqua blue tattoo ink.

The vibrant, high-quality tattoo ink you trust is now EU REACH compliant! To ensure you are buying EU REACH compliant tattoo ink, look for the gold design on the label.

As always, Quantum Tattoo inks are made in the USA, vegan, cruelty-free, organic, and made with only the highest quality ingredients.

Quantum tattoo inks and pigments are MADE IN EUROPE
Yes, our product names and descriptions are cheeky, but Quantum Tattoo Inks is serious about business and the safety of our high-quality tattoo inks. Our tattoo ink is developed with tattoo artists in mind and formulated for excellent, vibrant healing results. That's why the best tattoo artists in the world trust Quantum Tattoo Inks.

Some of the reasons tattoo artists love our products:

● Vegan tattoo ink
● Cruelty-free tattoo ink
● Organic tattoo ink
● Acrylic free tattoo ink
● Kosher tattoo ink
● Small Batch Tattoo Ink Made in the USA
● Lab tested for safety
● EU REACH complaint tattoo ink
● Tattoo ink shipped to Europe from our EU locations