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Quantum Ink 5150


Bluetooth 30 ML

Ref. QT5150-020
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5150 colors is for artistic use only! These colors are not meant to be used on real people, you can use them on any other item from canvas, faux fur, orange, etc. 5150 Colors is a pigment based paint and is MADE IN THE USA. The 5150 colors are your best choice if you are looking for pigment-based artistic colors. Yes, our product names and descriptions are bold, but 5150 Colors offers high-quality pigment-based inks to help you create exceptional, vibrant art. Our pigment-based 5150 Colors inks are Vegan, Kosher, Cruelty-free and made only from organic pigments.

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While we haven't reached the stage of technology yet where painted artwork is Bluetooth compatible, you can get this vibrant pigment-based 5150 Color Concentrate Blue Paint now.

5150 Colors pigment-based inks are MADE IN THE USA and are your best choice if you are looking for pigment-based art colors.

Yes, our product names and descriptions are bold, but 5150 Colors offers high-quality pigment-based inks to help you create exceptional, vibrant art. Our pigment-based 5150 Colors inks are Vegan, Kosher, Cruelty-free and made only from organic pigments.